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Showing posts from May, 2020

The four towered koodal -Thiruvilayadal -19

The Four Towered Koodal  (Thiruvilayadal -19) Varunan was furious that his attempt had failed,he called the seven clouds and commanded them to suck all the water and pour them on Madurai with thunder. As the thunder clouds roared the gems on the head of Adhiseshan spilled ;the four elephants which guarded the direction trembled ;rain drops fell in the size of pumpkin ;darknes enguifed the earth.  Abisheka Pandian went to the temple and appealed to the lord .Lord Shiva sent four clouds from his braided  crest to surround Madurai and cover it protectively to ward off the seven destructive clouds .They became the four towers of Madurai. Varuna was ashamed of his powerlessness and went to the tank of  the golden lotus.Then his stomach ailment subsided. After dipping into the tank he worshipped the Lord thanking him for curing  his ailment .He also wanted to be cured of the ailment of cycle of birth due to karma and impurities . Because of the four clouds from Lo