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The four towered koodal -Thiruvilayadal -19

The Four Towered Koodal  (Thiruvilayadal -19) Varunan was furious that his attempt had failed,he called the seven clouds and commanded them to suck all the water and pour them on Madurai with thunder. As the thunder clouds roared the gems on the head of Adhiseshan spilled ;the four elephants which guarded the direction trembled ;rain drops fell in the size of pumpkin ;darknes enguifed the earth.  Abisheka Pandian went to the temple and appealed to the lord .Lord Shiva sent four clouds from his braided  crest to surround Madurai and cover it protectively to ward off the seven destructive clouds .They became the four towers of Madurai. Varuna was ashamed of his powerlessness and went to the tank of  the golden lotus.Then his stomach ailment subsided. After dipping into the tank he worshipped the Lord thanking him for curing  his ailment .He also wanted to be cured of the ailment of cycle of birth due to karma and impurities . Because of the four clouds from Lo

Thiruvilayadal 18. Varuna's Ocean Dries Up

Thiruvilayadal 18. Varuna's  Ocean Dries Up Abisheka Pandian started special worship in the month of Chitirai,when the moon transited the star Chitirai.Because of this worship ,the usual worship of Devendran  was delayed .He was depressed  at this .Varuna ,who was suffering from unbearable stomach ailment asked if the Shivalingam had the power to cure his ailment .  Even the agony of rebirths cycle which could not be cured by Brahma and Vishnu could be cured by Lord Shiva ;then why should he doubt the Lords power to cure his ailments? He may test the Lord miraculous powers.To provoke the Lord to cure his stomach ailment he commaned the sea to destroy Madurai completely .The sea rose in fury as though the world was at an end .People went to Abisheka  Pandian seeking safety.As they appealed to the Lord ,the Lord Shiva sent four clouds from his crest to suck the seas;  the sea was completely drained .Then all the people thankfully rejoiced and worshipped the Lord.

Tiruvilayadal 17. The Selling of Rubies

Thiruvilayadal 17. The Selling of Rubies Veerapandian's concubines bore him many wicked children .After a long time ,his wife bore him a child .On his hunting expedition ,the king was killed by a tiger.And the children of the concubines swindled the wealth and hid them. To make a crown for the son of Veerapandian ,there were not enough gems for the crown .So they appealed  to Lord Somasundara.When the young prince was taken to the temple ,the Lord appeared in the guise of gem merchant. He spread a black cloth and placed a red ruby in the middle and eight other gems on the eight direction;then facing north he worshipped and gave them to the prince ,asking them to name the prince ,Abisheka pandian and disappeared. Then they realized that it was the Lord Himself who came to them .They praised him worshipfully .Soon the stolen and hidden treasures were restored.

Thiruvilayadal -16 Meaning of He Vedas

Thiruvilayadal-16 .Meaning of He Vedas During the Kreta Yuga ,the Pranavas sprang from the voice of Shiva;The Vedas sprang from pranava ,Sages like Kanva and Kakkar in the Naimisa forest were despaired about the meaning of the Vedas .Sage Arabattar guided them to go to Lord Somasundara of Madurai on the south of the temple seated as Dhakshina murthy .He alone knew the substance of the vedas. All the sages reached Madurai and worshipped Dhakshinamurthy who appeared like a youth of 16.He removed their doubts and explained the meaning of the vedas .He took the sages to the sivalingam and said that that form was the meaning of Vedas .Vedas were not different from Sivalingam .Then he expounded the origin of Pranavam ,the vedas and the Agamas,Gnana kandam ,Karma kandam,Vaithegam,Vaithega saivam.He then stroked their spines with his hand and disappeared into the Sivalinga.

Thiruvilayadal -15 The Meru beaten with Chendu (weapon)

Thiruvilayadal -15. The Meru beaten with chendu Ugrakumar Pandian was performing Monday austerities  (somavara) regularly and as instructed by Sage Agasthiyar and his wife Kanthimathi bore him a child ,Veerapandian .Again because of improper planetary movements ,famine resulted and the people suffered greatly. Lord Somasundarar appeared in Pandian's dream and said that it was not possible to get the rains now .So ,he must go to the cave in Maha meru which contain inexhaustible wealth .He had to tame the arrogance of Meru by beating it with a Chendu. Waking up,Ugrapandian accordingly with the four branches of his army challenged Meru.Meru was lethargic .So he beat the Meru with the chendu .Meru trembled and its temples exploded .The Meru with eight shoulders and four heads and white umbrella bowed down  to the Pandian.He said to the Pandian that he used to worship Lord Somasundara and Goddess Meenakshi regularly .But because of his attachment to a woman ,he wen

Thiruvilayadal-14. The wheel thrown at Indra's head

The wheel thrown at Indra's head (Thiruvilayadal-14) During the reign of Ugrakumar ,the planetary movements were not  in proper order.So rains failed .In all the three Tamil lands people suffered from famine.The three kings reported this famine to sage Agasthiyar.He explained why it won't rain for twelve years ;as the sun was ahead of Mars and Venus behind it.They were asked to meet Indra .But how to reach Indra ?They had to perform fastingon Mondays and get the blessings of Lord Shiva .He gave them the details of performing austerities correctly. The three kings went to the golden lotus tank at Madurai,bathed in it and worshipped Lord Somasundara and performed the austerities .They earned the boon of travelling through the sky.To receive them Indra prepared three thrones for them .Chera and Chola rested on the thrones alloted to them;but Pandian sat on the throne of equal status to Indra who felt upset .Indra gifted the other two kings generously .He then tried t

Thiruvilayadal-13 .Drying up of the sea by the spear

Drying up of the sea by the spear (Thiruvilayadal-13) Ugrakumar ruled in accordance with the Royal dharma.He performed 90 aswametha yagas .Indra was jealous of him and asked Varuna to destroy the fertility of the land .''you will become the ocean that destroys the seven worlds at the end of time,and destroy Madurai''.Varuna decided to obey.Accordingly Varuna rose in fury at mid-night .But Lord Shiva appeared in the dream of Ugrakumar as a siddha and asked him to dry-up the furious sea by throwing his spear  at it. Ugrakumar woke up and carried out the command .And the ocean reduced itself to ankle deep level.Then Lord Shiva and Uma appeared on the bull in the sky on the bull mount and blessed him. Ugrakumar sang and worshipped him.